sarina r michel

Poet. Writer. Book advocate.


Sarina writes about isolation, control, and religious manipulation –irreverently & somehow, delightfully. She promises she doesn’t mean to be so bleak. She daylights as a critic pursuing ruthless-positivity. By nightfall she’s asleep; she has a toddler and what does anyone do past 9 p.m. anyway?

Sarina is the founder of Etymology Press, a small local zine with aspirations of publishing local authors. She is a book advocate– she believes reading in community is world-changing.

Sarina was born in Minnesota, raised in New England, and now resides in Florida, where seasonal depression happens in the summer because it’s too hot for anyone to go outside. As a pastor’s kid, Sarina spent more time in church than some Bibles have. She spent much of her young life praying to be like Paul so that she could talk some mad shit about congregations in her area with a self-righteous flair. While she still holds her faith in high esteem, she’s learned to channel that rage into her fiction.

Now, Sarina teaches middle grades and writes curriculum for an alternative education school and works at a local independent bookshop. She is learning to love process over product, to be present in her life, and to really listen before she speaks.

“May we slow down, pay attention, and listen. May we respond from our most selfless selves.” – Paul Corrigan, World Literature Prayer


Dear Sarina
HerStry, July 2022

Contestas las Peticiones, Dios
Cardinal Sins, vol. 38, Fall 2018